Click below for historic information about the Terrible Two



Additional questions? Contact the event chair at tt@srcc.com

Cue Sheet & Maps:

See course page for route and TCX files

2023 Rider guides available below (will be updated in May 2025). The event will run more or less the same as 2023.

Terrible Two (200 mile)

Terrific Two (200k) and Tremendous SuperCentury

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Am I ready for this ride?
All of the successful (and most of the unsuccessful) TT participants are experienced, fit riders. The Terrible Two should not be your first double century. Before you attempt the TT 200 mile route, you should complete such rides as the Markleeville Death Ride (all passes), Devil Mountain Double, or the Davis Double. The TT will take 3-4 hours (on average) longer than the Davis Double - please don't attempt the Terrible Two if Davis took you over 13 hours. In fact, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS RIDE if YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOU CAN FINISH IN THE ALLOTTED TIME.  If you've completed other doubles comfortably, the TT should be a reasonable challenge.

Note that you should come prepared for HOT weather - some years we have lucked out, but often the date of this ride coincides with warm temps. HYDRATE before, during, after the ride.

What time should I start?

NEW THIS YEAR: For the 200 mile event, we will have an open start time window from 4:00 to 5:00 AM and a "late" mass start at 5:30 AM. Those that expect to take 16 hours or more to complete the ride MUST start between 4-5 AM.

ALL RIDERS MUST CHECK-IN SATURDAY MORNING - more details later on early check-in methods.

Those starting before 5AM MUST pickup their packet on Friday night (6/20) and need to be aware that there may be no support for the first portions of the ride (other than SAG) as rest stops may not be open yet. There are facilities along the route, which will be indicated on the route maps.

For the 200K event, all riders will start at at 7:00am. The Super Century will start at 7:30am. For these routes, PLEASE start at your designated time. We do also record time and rank riders for these events AND rest stops will not be open if you leave early, so you will not have support. It REALLY stresses out our rest stop teams when riders leave early and arrive at rest stops before they are ready. They are there to help you complete this ride!

How long do I have to finish (200 mi route only)?
You have a total of 19 hours (ONE HOUR LONGER THAN PRIOR TTs) to complete the 200 mile ride to earn Triple Crown Credit and a total of 17 hours to "Beat the Clock" and earn your a special item. This equates to an 11PM finish for the CTC credit and a 9PM finish for the item (with a 4AM start). Those starting later than 4AM still need to arrive by 11PM for CTC credit as the course is closed then. So only leave later if you are confident that you can arrive by 11PM. This means completing the ride in 18 hour for a 5AM start and in 18.5 hrs for a 5:30AM start.

Note that, we will have VERY STRICT cutoff times at the lunch stop (2PM), Ft Ross (8PM), and Monte Rio (10PM). These cutoff times are based on our long (over 45 yr) history of the event. Those starting the Skaggs climb after 1PM have a 50% chance of finishing in time, at best.

The course will start being cleared at 10PM, so if you expect to need until 11PM to finish, you should sign up for the early start. If you believe you can complete the course in less time, you can sign up for the 5:00AM or 5:30AM start. Also note that after 10pm, support on the road will be minimal.

How will timing work?

Similar he last few years, we are simplifying timing. We will record your starting time and ending time only - we will not be checking riders formally at each stop.

For triple crown credit and for any of the challenges, you MUST track your ride using a Garmin or similar device and upload your ride to Strava as a backup. NOTE: you can record your ride using any navigation device, the RwGPS app or the Strava app. But you will need to download the GPX file from the device or app (unless you do it in Strava) and then upload it to Strava. You DO NOT need a paid Strava account to do this. See instructions HERE.

A link to your Strava data can be submitted to ridedirector@srcc.com within 48 hours of ride completion. This worked really well in the past years with times from GPS devices being generally within 1 minute of the manually recorded times.

Make sure your Garmin/device is charged and able to last the entire ride. It's likely not advisable to try to run the RwGPS or Strava app from your phone as that may not last the duration. You might consider bringing a portable power bank (like THIS) to recharge.

NOTE: the course will NOT be marked, so you need to follow GPS navigation (highly recommended) or the printed route sheet.

Should I bring lights?
The ride is scheduled for a Saturday near the longest day of the year; lights are needed for all riders starting due to the early start. Full dark arrives around 9:00 pm but the light decreases around 8pm. We ask that ALL RIDERS bring front and rear light. You will need to carry these with you.

We also request that you wear reflective ankle bands and/or a reflective vest before sunrise and after sunset.

What's the support like?
We will provide some light breakfast items at the start, 5 fixed aid stations (only 4 for the 200K and 3 for the Super Century), traditional SAGs, and roaming vehicles with snacks, water, and ice on the first segment of the 200 mile and Super Century and on the Skaggs/Rancheria climb. We will offer Hammer Nutrition products and a variety of snack items. At the lunch stops (Warm Springs Dam for the 200 milers and Super Century and Rancheria for the 200K), you will get a sandwich, snacks, and drinks. If you have special dietary needs, please carry those specific items with you.

Those choosing to start before 5AM may arrive at the first rest stops/aid stations before they are open. Registration at the start/finish will not be open either and there will be limited SAG support. Plan to bring nutrition and water. There are some facilities (restrooms) along the first part of the route. You will need to check in at both the Geysers and Warm Springs Dam rest stops and meet the cutoff time before proceeding up Skaggs. The advantage of this early start is to give slower riders more time to make the cutoff and get onto Skaggs earlier. Heat on Skaggs is often the biggest issue with finishing.

PRIVATE SAGS ARE PROHIBITED. If you have a spouse or friend who serves as a private SAG for you at other events, we can add them to our SAG fleet, but they must work for all riders. If you wish to provide this, email ridedirector@srcc.com.

At the finish, you will be welcomed back, be provided a dinner and cold drinks, including BEER! Dinner will stop being served at 11:30 pm.

How late can I register?
Registration closes on June 16th. You must pre-register, no registration at the event. There are no refunds or transfers, this is a rain or shine event. All entries will be confirmed by e-mail. Additional e-mails will be sent approximately one week prior to the event with additional information.

How does check-in work?
Number bibs, each with a rider's name on it, will be provided. As stated above, those starting before 5am must pick up their packet available on Friday night (June 20th) from 4-7pm at a location TBD in Sebastopol.

You MUST wear your bib on the course and check in at the lunch stop and at the finish.

Those starting at 5AM or later can pick up packets Saturday morning - please arrive at least 30 minutes in advance.

ALL RIDERS MUST CHECK-IN SATURDAY MORNING BEFORE DEPARTING - more will be provided on early check-in methods.

More Information for Riders 

  • Riders must wear their official bib number and it must be visible. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  • Helmets are mandatory.
  • Ear buds are prohibited.
  • Two water bottles are highly recommended.
  • Riders who drop out must notify course officials in person or call in. Don't make us look for you all night!
  • We reserve the right to pull riders for flagrant traffic violations or for their own safety where they appear too debilitated to function responsibly/safely. YOU MUST FOLLOW THE CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE (i.e., stop at stop signs/lights, single up to allow cars to pass, etc.). Not doing so threatens our ability to continue to hold this and other cycling events in Sonoma County.

Drop Bags

We will provide a drop bag service that will take items to the Warm Springs Dam rest stop. If you have special dietary items, you can send them forward in a drop bag at the start. We can collect drop bags at Warm Springs Dam to take items back to the finish, but keep in mind that you will need warmer layers and your lights when you hit the coast as as the sun goes down, so it is not advisable to drop those.

Cutoff Times and Course Closure

Riders will be required to check in at Warm Springs Dam. If you do not continue beyond lunch you must still check in. The cut-off for riders leaving the Warm Springs Dam rest stop and continuing on the course is 2PM (no exceptions). Those riders arriving at that rest stop after this time MUST take the bail out route or SAG back (route is posted). Unless you cannot continue safely, we ask that you take the bailout route back. A local rider (or two) will be on hand to guide you back to the start and we will have SAGs available. Our cut-off times are based on years of observation of the successes and failures of riders over the second half of the course.

Riders must reach the Monte Rio Rest Stop by 10:00PM. We will also have a cutoff time for Fort Ross (8PM). There is no guarantee of services on the course in the miles leading to Monte Rio after 10:00 pm; support will be limited to the portion between Monte Rio and the finish. Riders missing cutoff times at Fort Ross and Monte Rio will be required to SAG to the finish. After 11:00PM, riders should understand that there will be no services on the course and that SRCC is not obligated to provide any further assistance, though we will do our best to bring all riders in safely.  Dinner will stop being served at 11:30 PM.

Note that the route changes should result in riders getting to Warm Springs Dam earlier and (we hope) result in less riders need to take the bail out route and overall improve finishing times.

Jerseys, T-shirts and Rewards

Terrible Two jerseys will be available to purchase or order for finishers at the finish (please bring a check or cash, we will not be able to process credit cards). You can also purchase online after the event.  The 200 mile riders that finish within the 18 hour limit will earn a Terrible Two commemorative item. Those that participate and succeed in the Terrible Me challenge will get a special item as well.

Merchandise purchased in advance can be picked up at the start/finish but prizes and commemorative/special items will ship after the event. We will have additional merchandise sales at the event (cash or check only).

Sharing the Road

Sonoma County's rural and coastal roads are very popular with cyclists. You may only visit here once or twice a year, but the residents along our route have cyclists--in large groups and small--passing their homes and farms and wineries every day. You can help us preserve friendly relations with our neighbors by being a good ambassador for cycling when you ride here. Our use of this route in the future may depend on your good cycling behavior now. Thank you for your cooperation!

  • This is not a race! We repeat... this is NOT a race.
  • Obey all traffic laws.
  • Ride single-file as much as possible.
  • Stop and pull off the road for all emergency vehicles.
  • If you must ride double at times, be vigilant for overtaking vehicles (including faster cyclists) and single up promptly.
  • Please be courteous and friendly with all motorists and residents that you encounter. They are our neighbors.
  • Participants are required to follow California Vehicle Code (CVC) regulations.
  • A few seconds off your time does not justify the risk of an accident or the loss of our good public relations within this community. It is essential that all participants exercise restraint and simple common sense, especially in the first few miles, while the field is still bunched up.

SRCC Event Cancellation Policy  

SRCC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule an event when, in SRCC’s sole discretion, it is reasonably necessary to do so. Circumstances under which cancellation or rescheduling may occur include, but are not limited to, Acts of God, terrorism, community disasters, such as earthquake, fire or flooding, or other unforeseen events reasonably likely to compromise the safety of participants or otherwise interfere with the ability of the club to hold the event. Inclement weather alone will generally not result in a cancellation. Events are held rain or shine. If the event is cancelled: 1. Participants will be notified as soon as possible. 2. Depending on the situation, full or partial refunds may be issued in SRCC’s sole discretion. SRCC relies on fees from our events to continue our stated purpose as a 501(c) (4) non-profit recreational cycling club to ensure our organization is here every year, to continue advocating for riders and putting on the best events in the country. SRCC must honor commitments and contracts many of which are paid in advance of the event and non-refundable. SRCC cannot bear the risk of a disaster alone. Each participant accepts the risk of losing his or her registration fee or other incidental expenses related to participation in the event should circumstances warranting cancellation arise. Thanks for your support and understanding.